First, download a car by clicking on the vehicle name.
You will need WinZip or Windows Me to decompress the file.
Then extract the .ar file into your Midtown Madness 2 directory (normally C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Midtown Madness 1 or 2\).
If you have any questions or comments regarding the car, post a message in the forum or contact the creator.
Midtown Madness
Midtown Madness 2

Midtown Madness 2 City Mods
Abandoned City 2
Created By PC425/Angel Studios
Early Version of San Francisco created by Angel Studios. Includes street lights, trees, and some houses.

Abandoned City 3

Additional items added including some very high roads, some at almost 90deg angle.

CrazyTrailers 4.0

Created by WRX_STi_2001
More realistic approach. Adds new models.

Jump Delta

Created by PC425
Adds some ramps and ferries. Useful for getting to Alcatraz. Copy the AR file to your main MM2 directory.
Lost City
Created by CMR_Driver_MFD
Cool new MM2 City. Includes 23 new objects, 5 new sky textures, 2 blitz races, 2 circuit races, and much more.


Created by PC425
Very fun mod! Includes over 2600 objects. Copy the AR file to your main MM2 directory.
MegaMod 2
Created by PC425
Improved version of Megamod! Includes London mod.
San Francisco Editor

Created by Lazywolf
Currently in Beta. Allows you to edit the San Francisco map and add new objects.
WareTrailers Mod
Created by WRX_STi_2001
Combines the Werwelp and Jumptrailer mods. Adds bridge to secret island and the bridge to Alcatraz "fall through" problem has been fixed. Also adds a few more jumps.
Water Mod
Created by King_Cab, Groth, SW
Allows you to drive on the water.
Werwelp Mod
Created by Wolf
Adds bridges ferries, ramps, and more. Very fun! Copy the AR file to your main MM2 directory as well as the players/sf directory.
Midtown Madness 2 Add-ons
All Cars/Tracks Cheat
Created by Midtown Madness Zone
Allows you have have all the cars and skins in MM2. Overwrite the players directory located at C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Midtown Madness 2\players\ with the once included in the zip file. It is recommend you back up your old players directory first, as all other user information will be deleted otherwise.
Armor Pack
This file gives you no damage for every default car.
Created By HPB_Forever
Increases weight of various objects in MM2. *Updated* Version 2; November 25, 2000 - Rebuilt to use files from the retail version of MM2.
CarLoader V2.2

Created by Dryger
Allows you to easily keep track of add-ons (cars and tracks) installed.
Durability Fix

Created By HPB_Forever
Reduces the player cars ability to take damage to approximately the same as in MM1. *Updated* Version 2; November 25, 2000 - Rebuilt to use files from the retail version of MM2